We have 11 girls in our troop: Courtney; Caitlyn; Emily; Nicole; Tara; Maria; Mary; Niki; Stacey; Jessica; and Cole.Three of us are 6th graders who bridged to Cadettes a year early; seven of us are 7th
graders, and one of us is in the 8th grade. Two of our members are home-schooled. We have five advisors: Miss Terie; Miss Charlotte, Miss Martha, Miss Renee' and Miss Kris.
We have such a busy year planned! The most exciting adventure we have planned is a trip to Savannah, GA -- which we will take this October. We're pretty busy doing lots of fund-raisers to earn the
money for this once-in-a-lifetime trip! But, since we have almost a year before we go, we are looking forward to a lot of other trips, service projects and adventures in the coming months. For a look
at our calendar, click on the buttons below!